Sharing a few pictures from inside and outside my classroom. As you can see - travel is very much a part of my artful life!
The Dot presentation at literacy night 2013.
Red River, New Mexico
Me with my favorite travel partner.
The Phillips Collection - D.C.
I love this artist!
Me again - literacy - 2014.
Painting in the style of Rembrandt.
St. Patrick's Day at St. Patrick's in D.C.

Jeff Koons' "Tulips" at the Winn in Las Vegas.
Houston ISD Teacher of the Year Finalist.
The Soto Exhibit at the MFA - Houston. Field trip with my students.
Egypt - 2004
National Gallery with Rembrandt's -"Girl with a Broom".
National Gallery - Oldenburg in the sculpture garden.
Bill Gates at the Teaching and Learning Conference - 2014. D.C.
Taos, New Mexico
Georgia O'Keeffe's painting o the same church at the Phillips Collection in D.C.
Self- Portrait - Rembrandt
Mabel Dodge Luhan House - Taos, New Mexico
The Liberty Bell - Philadelphia.
The Pedernal - Ghost Ranch, New Mexico.
Nambe' Falls - New Mexico
Red River, New Mexico
Egypt - 2004
Luxor, Egypt
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